1. Use code 100PP during checkout to get USD$100 off on orders over USD$200.
  2. To enjoy the offer, discount code must be applied.
  3. Offer is only valid on Payment using PayPal as a mode of payment.
  4. Offer limited to the first 100 customers. (One use per customer)
  5. Offer valid from 27th August 2022 00:00:00 hours to 27th August 2022 23:59:59 hours (PDT).
  6. Offer valid on all products available on rihoas.com
  7. Discount code will be removed in case any other payment method is used to complete the transaction.
  8. Coupons cannot be combined with other codes currently valid in Rihoas.
  9. Get free standard shipping on order over $69(after discount and excluding shipping ).
  10. Final Sale items and accessories are not eligible for return or exchange except for quality problem.
  11. Rihoas reserves the right of final interpretation of this offer.